Thursday 4 December 2008

First blog entry

This has been started a bit late. But in this entry i will summarize everything i have done in media studies since we started in september. We started off by getting introduced into what the media actually is and what sorts of media there are e.g. prints, tv and radio. We was then set the challenge of researching film noir. What it was, how is started and who started it. We have watched a full film noir and watched opening sequences of film noir's to help us with our final piece. During this time we also had the opportunity to experiment with the camera equipment. We learnt about types of shots, framing, handles, match on action and continuity. We then had to do our first piece of filming in groups of four. The preliminary. This was a simple way to practise all of the things that we had learnt in class and put them into action. It was somebody walking into a room, sitting down and exchanging some dialogue with another person. We then started on our exchange. This was made slightly harder than the preliminary. We had some flexibility with this. We had to have a situation where something was being exchanged by two people. This had to be in the style of a film noir. With this exercise we had to complete all of the pre-production paper work. Location finders, risk assessments, call sheets and storyboards. We then had to film it and edit it. Which brings me to what we aredoing now. We are now in the early stages of planning our opening scene of a film noir. I am in a group of four. There is me, Laura, Dylan and Muhaimin. We have came up with a few ideas for what we can do and we are now building on a couple of them.

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